Business card contact info for grain marketing specialist kasey baker

Rain makes grain! From the radar it looks like everyone across the great state of Wisconsin received rain overnight. Although some areas received damaging winds or possible tornados, the threat of a Derecho may have passed.

As of Monday, 7/26/21, the crop progress and conditions report of corn, beans, and spring wheat quality is declining. Corn is down 1 percent from last week on the good to excellent rating to 64%, which is down from the 5-year average of 72%. Corn is making progress on maturing a little ahead of average. The corn is at 79% silking and 18% dough. Beans are down 2 percent from last week on the good-to-excellent rating to 58%, this is down from the 5-year average of 72%. The bean conditions are also progressing quicker than the 5-year average. Beans are at 76% blooming and 42% setting pods. The biggest market mover was the decline in the good-to-excellent rating in spring wheat moving to 9%, which seems to be directly affecting the winter wheat market. This news is coming as the winter wheat harvest is coming to an end, causing an unseasonal rally in the SRW wheat market. 

SRW Wheat is up 15c, and exports have been steady.

Corn is up 7-8c, with corn exports for 21/22 almost 5x higher that orders from the previous week.

Beans are up 15c across the board. The exports for beans have been quiet. There are concerns with temperatures in South America. 

There are still conversations about the drought monitor, so I have attached some chats of the percent of corn and beans that are affected by drought.

Have a Safe Day!

Kasey Baker

Written by Michelle Woodman
Dairy Technical Consultant

Ask any hoof trimmer when they see the most lame cows on a dairy and they will likely tell you it’s always the fall.  Hoof lesions tend to show up in feet a month or two after the stress event that causes the lesion, and with more standing in the summer months along with other stressors, fall tends to be a busy time of year for trimmers.  There are four key areas to focus on to prevent the dreaded fall hoof problems.

  1. Ventilation – When talking about heat stress, we’d be missing the elephant in the room if we didn’t talk about ventilation.  Wind speeds of 3.5-5 mph are optimal for evaporation at the cow level.  Measuring wind speed in the free stall beds and over the feed lane with a wind meter ensures fans are spaced the proper distance apart and at the right angle.  This is also very important when using sprinkler soaking systems.  Sprinklers are very effective in cooling cows with the proper soaking and wind speed.  If the droplet size is too small and the water doesn’t reach the cow’s skin, it acts as an insulator rather than a cooling mechanism.  This is also the case if using sprinklers without fans.  Evaporation is necessary for cooling cows, soaking only will not get the job done.
  2. Fly Control/Shade – Cows are herding animals by nature and find comfort in a tight group.  Fly pressure, heat and sunshine shadows are all contributors to cows bunching in free stall barns in the summertime.  When cows are bunching at one end of a pen their standing time is longer than normal which can cause sole ulcers.  Making sure stalls, in 3-row and 6-row barns especially, have shade to promote stall usage is very important.  Ventilation plays a factor in this area as well.  Fly control measures need to be taken to decrease fly pressure as much as possible.  There are many ways to help control flies from feed additives, pour-ons, sprays and general barn cleanliness. 
  3. Floor Management – When humidity is high and sprinklers are being used concrete and rubber become a lot more slippery.  Increased frequency of scraping may be necessary to reduce the ‘film’ build-up on high traffic surfaces.  Keeping holding areas clean is also very important to decrease slipping and possible lesions.  Proper grooving and planning rough corroded areas will also help prevent slipping.
  4. Proper Nutrition – Working with your nutritionist to proactively change diets with forage changes while managing inventories is very important to promote intake in hot summer months.  Targeting higher levels of Zinc from Zinpro Availa minerals promotes healthy hoof growth to combat higher wear from increased standing times. Skin integrity is improved with higher levels of Zinc to help with evaporative cooling.  Zinc also helps improve gut health through heat stress, keeping the villi in the rumen healthy and functioning. 

Focusing on these four key areas during times of heat stress will keep your cows’ feet happy and healthy all the way until fall. 

This week From the Field, join Paige Behrens and a special guest as they discuss the importance of adjuvants to your return on investment.

As always, make sure to contact your local agronomist with any questions you may have. Stay safe!

Each day we watch the soybean markets jump $.20 up and $.20 down, but at $13.00/Bu soybeans, many people are asking, “How can we get more bushels per acre from this crop?” Many of the decisions for top yield have already been made; planting date, seeding rate, planting depth and early season weed control. All these factors will influence your ultimate yield, but there are still things you can do to protect that yield.

One critical thing you can do to your soybeans is protect them with a fungicide and insecticide in July. Typically, it is recommended to apply these products during the R3 growth stage. This stage of soybean growth is identified as at least one pod at one of the four uppermost nodes on the plant that is 3/16” long. Fungicide and insecticide applications are often made as a preemptive strike against diseases and pests entering a soybean field. Once that disease has set in, you will likely see yield loss, but that is a hard thing to measure. 

It can be a hard trigger to pull for many producers, but with bean values as strong as they are and with relatively good weather predicted for the month, it sends a strong message to continue to invest in your crop. There are many options for fungicides and insecticides on the market and your local agronomist will be your best bet to tackle this decision. They know the local disease and insect pressures and can come scout your fields to determine the best course of action. 

words Soybean Health over a picture of soybean fields

Your information technology team at ALCIVIA continues to work on the unification of the legacy Countryside and Landmark networks, software and communications platforms.

One of our highest priorities is the migration of @countrysidecoop.com and @landmark.coop email addresses to @ALCIVIA.com.  As you’ll notice, the ALICIVA team and our website are still using legacy email addresses from both Countryside Cooperative and Landmark Services Cooperative.  We’re currently working through the transition to the new ALCIVIA.com domain name.   Once complete, the ALCIVIA team and our general contact email addresses will be changed to reflect our new name.  

During this transition we’re focusing on an approach that provides continuity in ongoing communication with our members, customers, partners and vendors.  All legacy email addresses will continue to work and will forward to our new email addresses.  This approach will allow us to communicate the transition and ensure that email communications are not lost.  The legacy email addresses will eventually be decommissioned after a successful transition period.

Please look for communications in the near future as we start to engage in this transition.

ALCIVIA is pleased to offer a $50 participation award.  

Any child of an ALCIVIA member in the southern or central territory must be engaged in animal project and plan to show their animal at local county or state fair. *Includes Large Animals – Dairy, Beef, Swine, Sheep, Meat & Dairy Goats.

Child must submit the following:

  • Name
  • Parents names and ALCIVIA account number (*Members must do $1,000 in business or more with ALCIVIA during the current year)
  • Address
  • Photo of themselves with their project at the fair
  • Please list any award or ribbon received (ie. I received a first blue or I had the Champion Angus Steer, Showmanship Winner, etc.)

*LIMIT one award per child

Submission deadline:  September 15, 2021

Mail to:

c/o Marketing – Fair Participation
1401 Landmark Dr.
Cottage Grove, WI 53527

Or Email to:  marketing@landmark.coop or marketing@countrysidecoop.com 

Grain exchange manager Judy Uhlenhake

Markets are trading higher after yesterday’s USDA Supply and Demand Report. The report showed increased demand for US corn, with higher feed use and residual and exports. They left ethanol use unchanged, which was a surprise given the strong pace of ethanol production since early June. They also lowered Brazil’s corn production 5.5 million tonnes to 93 million. China was major destination for exports last week at 18.8 million, followed by Mexico at 8.5 million and Japan at 7.5 million. US corn conditions improved slightly but remains below average.

Soybeans are higher today following the report. USDA didn’t change its previous soybean production estimate of 4.4 billion bushels. USDA lowered soybean imports, crushing’s and exports. With the offsetting changes ending stocks remain unchanged. US soybeans are 46% blooming vs average of 40% and 10% were setting pods, which is equal to average.

USDA report forecast lower than expected wheat production. All wheat ending stocks are at 665 million bushels compared to average trade guess at 729 million bushels. US winter wheat is 59% harvested, which is behind the average of 65%. US wheat condition declined sharply for the seventh consecutive week, with 55% in poor to very poor condition.

The wheat combines started rolling early in the week, but mother nature put a stop to progress with cloudy damp weather. The early wheat that came in was good quality. Let’s hope for a good rain shower for the corn and beans followed by several days of sunshine to get the wheat in the bins.

Your grain marketing specialist is available to get your grain sales in a good position before harvest. 

A lot of exciting things are happening with the rebranding of our name. ALCIVIA, which may sound unique, comes from the Latin word for community. While our name has changed, our commitment to both customers and employees remains as strong as ever.

Keep the faith and stay safe!

Judy Uhlenhake

From the field this week, join Agronomy Sales Managers Dan Peterson and Mike Christenson as they tell us a little bit more about our new brand ALCIVIA!

As always, make sure to contact your local agronomist with any questions you may have. Stay safe!

ALCIVIA press release, new name, cooperative
Merged Cooperatives Reveal New Brand – Bringing the Best of Both Into One

Cottage Grove, Wis, (July 6, 2021)—On July 6, the cooperative formed by the March 1, 2021, merger of Countryside Cooperative and Landmark Services Cooperative became ALCIVIA (pronounced ALL-siv-ia).

As a member-owned cooperative powered by engaged employees with a single mission, shared vision and common values, ALCIVIA is a community of passionate individuals driven by a common desire to help customers succeed.

“We feel the new brand energizes and empowers our team to make the future even brighter for our members, customers and employees,” said Jim Lange, Chairman of the Board of ALCIVIA. “Our new tagline, ‘ALL. TOGETHER. NOW.’, speaks to the shared excitement we all feel about how the merger represents the very best of both cooperatives. Embodying the cooperative spirit, ALCIVIA exists to succeed together.”

The name ALCIVIA says “all together” in a distinctive way, coming from the same root as common words for community like “civic” and “civility.” In addition to the new name and supporting brand materials, the cooperative introduced a new logo with an upward-facing arrow shape to reaffirm their forward-thinking, positive culture.

“The brand development process involved extensive customer research, as well as close collaboration between the Board of Directors and a wide cross-section of employees over many months,” according to Jim Dell, CEO and President of ALCIVIA. “Our mission, vision and values were foundational to the effort, which led to a distinctive, meaningful name that’s true to who we are and the value our customers can expect to get both now and in the future.”

Additional details about the new brand and the cooperative’s commitments can be found at ALCIVIA.com.


ALCIVIA is a leading, member-owned agricultural and energy cooperative driven by our passion for excellence and a future without boundaries. Located in Wisconsin and serving farm, business and retail customers in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Iowa, our engaged employees provide innovative, responsible solutions to help drive the immediate and long-term success of our customers, including competitive operating loans and input financing, as well as best-in-class products and services for the agronomy, animal nutrition, energy, and grain needs of our customers.

Check out the latest ALCIVIA cooperative news to stay informed on all the happenings throughout the cooperative.

ALCIVIA Advisor – July 2021