What’s New
ALCIVIA Advisor – September 2021
Check out the latest ALCIVIA cooperative news to stay informed on all the happenings throughout the cooperative. ALCIVIA Advisor – September 2021
From the Field 9/1/2021
This week From the Field, Jordan Suhr discusses how seed selection can help you throughout the crop year and give you a hardier crop. As
Grain Exchange – 8/31/2021
As we approach the last days of summer and children head back to school, we get into the mindset of Fall Harvest. New Crop 2021
Grain Exchange – 8/25/2021
The transition from old crop to new crop is starting soon and the trade is reflecting a sooner than expected harvest. This week’s crop ratings
Dealing with Higher Fertilizer Prices for 2022
There are a few management practices that can be evaluated for use in maximizing your fertilizer investment as it relates to soil analysis and yield.
From the Field 8/20/21
Join Bob Galdi and Terry Zimdars this week From the Field as they discuss moisture testing your silage corn before harvest, and using technology to
Grain Exchange – 8/17/2021
Tighter supplies add support to grain prices. The USDA report last week made significant changes to the commodity landscape. The report shocked the market with
Community Support Drives Successful Partnership Between ALCIVIA Cenex and the Columbus School District
PRESS RELEASE Information Contact:Ashley Schumacher, ALCIVIAashley.schumacher@landmark.coop; 608-819-3102 For Immediate Release: August 13, 2021 Community Support Drives Successful Partnership Between ALCIVIA Cenex and the Columbus School
Grain Exchange – 8/10/2021
Most have shifted focus to new crop as harvest has kicked off in the south. The state of Wisconsin has experienced rain showers in the last 48 hours which hopefully help finish out the corn and help start to fill bean pods. Boosting confidence in crop production and allow producers to sell great new crop values.