What’s New
Four Times You Should Check Your Planter
Check for mechanical wear before every planting season A planter is a complicated piece of equipment – any number of things could have worn out
ALCIVIA Roundtable – Inverse vs. Carry Markets
Welcome back to ALCIVIA Roundtable, a series covering logistics, market access, and market fundamentals, with the end goal of helping our members make informed decisions
Press Release- ALCIVIA awards 25 scholarships to aspiring local youth leaders.
PRESS RELEASEInformation Contact:Ashley Schumacher, Marketing Manager, ALCIVIAAshley.Schumacher@ALCIVIA.com; 608.819.3102For Immediate Release: April 25, 2023ALCIVIA awards 25 scholarships to aspiring local youth leadersCOTTAGE GROVE, WI – ALCIVIA

ALCIVIA Advisor – May 2023
Check out the latest ALCIVIA newsletter to stay informed on all the happenings throughout the cooperative.
ALCIVIA Roundtable – Intro to Merchandising
Introducing ALCIVIA Roundtable, a series covering logistics, market access, and market fundamentals, with the end goal of helping our members make informed decisions for their
Four Quick Essentials to Planter Safety
Always put in safety stops when working on the planter Safety stops are critical to stop you from getting harmed. Safety stops are the last

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Distracted driving has become a deadly epidemic on our roads. While drivers texting behind the wheel tops the list of distractions, other risky actions include

ALCIVIA Advisor – April 2023
Check out the latest ALCIVIA newsletter to stay informed on all the happenings throughout the cooperative.

ALCIVIA Advisor – March 2023
Check out the latest ALCIVIA newsletter to stay informed on all the happenings throughout the cooperative.