
There are a few management practices that can be evaluated for use in maximizing your fertilizer investment as it relates to soil analysis and yield.

First, start by making sure you have current soil sample data which may include the need to sample as soon as the crop is off. Include micronutrient analysis for some of the fields you sample. Macronutrient availability and absorption can be enhanced in the presence of certain micronutrients. Consider sampling on a 2.5- or 1-acre grids to place nutrients where they will be most beneficial.

Adopt and utilize variable rate seeding and variable rate nitrogen and sulfur application to maximize efficiency and save money on seed and fertilizer. Raising pH to an optimal level will enhance nutrient uptake in your crop. Consider using fall-applied elemental S or gypsum to supply some sulfur in layers for the 2022 crop. Gypsum and elemental S prices have not gone up as other fertilizer materials have. Split applications of nitrogen and sulfur will improve efficiency of utilization. Consider growing hybrids that are efficient converters of nitrogen to yield.

If you are a livestock producer or have access to manure from a neighbor, test the manure and take credit for the nutrients supplied to the land. Inject or incorporate manure to preserve the nutrients you apply. Plant cover crops this fall that will supply nutrients that your 2022 crop can benefit from. Remember to take nitrogen credits as you rotate from soybeans or hay crops to corn this season. Contact your ALCIVIA Agronomist and Precision Specialist to set up variable rate liming, fall and spring fertilizer applications, or to help you better understand the tools available to you. Below is a chart that explains the availability of many micro and macronutrients as they relate to PH.

data graph describing the various elements in fertilizer and their PH levels

Summer fill of 28% UAN is available at a good price for those who have tanks available to store material over winter. Booking product with your ALCIVIA agronomy salesperson locks the price in when executed against price increases through the fall, winter, and spring. Prepaying expenses is your best opportunity to lock in the lowest price available at the time you do it. Make sure you book or prepay enough product to cover your needs for 2022. All indications including global market, domestic supply, as well as an attractive grain market look to support strength in the fertilizer market and the unlikelihood of significant reductions in pricing. Included below is a nutrient removal chart as it relates to yield.

nutrient removal chart in pounds per acre