Click below or scroll down to view our Grain Contract, Discount, and Fee Schedule, effective May 31, 2024.

ALCIVIA will only contract grain during open market hours (Mon-Fri 8:30 am-1:15 pm, excluding market holidays).
To contract grain, call our central grain team: 608.251.9010 x5.

ALCIVIA will allow spot/sell loads when the scale is open. Please let the scale operator know if you would like to spot/sell the load when inbound. The load will be priced at the closing price for that location the day the load is delivered.


Corn Discount Schedule


4 cents each half percent to 19% 
2 cents each half percent for 19.1-23% 
1 cent each half percent for 23.1% and above 

Corn dried to 15% for sale and 14% for storage 

0.15% each 1/10th over 15% for sold
0.15% each 1/10th over 14% for store

2 cents each pound from 53.9 to 52.00
3 cents each pound from 51.9 to 50.00
5 cents each pound below 50.00

2 cents each percent from 5.1% to 7%
4 cents each percent above 7%
Above 15% subject to rejection

2 cents each percent from 3.1% to 5.0%
3 cents each percent above 5.1% to 10%
4 cents each percent above 10.1%

20 cents per bushel discount and subject to rejection

Any grain loaded out will be subject to a fee of 25 cents per bushel

5.1-5.5 PPM 2.5 cents/bushel
5.6-6.0 PPM 5 cents/bushel
6.1-6.5 PPM 7.5 cents/bushel
6.6-7.0 PPM 10 cents/bushel
7.1-7.5 PPM 12.5 cents/bushel
7.6-8.0 PPM 15 cents/bushel
8.1-8.5 PPM 17.5 cents/bushel
8.6-9.0 PPM 20 cents/bushel
9.1-9.5 PPM 22.5 cents/bushel
9.6-10.0 PPM 25 cents/bushel
10.1 and up subject to rejection

Soybean Discount Schedule

Based on wet weight, shrink is .23% per tenth from 13.1 to 15.0%
Shrink is .46% per tenth over 15.0% moisture

1 cent each percent from 2.1% to 5%
2 cents each percent above 5.0%

Excess over 1% shall be deducted from gross weight

1 cent each pound below 53.9

20 cents per bushel discount and subject to rejection

1 cent each % over 1.0% SBOC

1 cent each % over 10% splits

Any grain loaded out will be subject to a fee of 25 cents per bushel

Wheat Discount Schedule

1.0 cent each 1/10th of a percent over 13.5%

2.0% for each percent over 13.5% from weight
2.5% for each percent over 16.0% from weight
Wheat Over 16.5% Subject To Rejection

Any combination of foreign material and dockage shall be deducted from the gross weight

6 cents each percent over 4-5%
8 cents each percent over 5-8%
10 cents each percent over 8%

8 cents each 1/2 pound from 57.9 to 56.0
10 cents each 1/2 pound from 55.9 to 52.0
12 cents each 1/2 pound below 52.0

2.1 -2.9 PPM 20 cents/point
3.0 PPM and up 30 cents/point and subject to rejection

HEATING, MUSTY, SOUR, WEATHERED, INFESTED, OR ROCKS @ 20 cents/bu. discount and subject to rejection


  • Contracted bushels must be delivered within the date range specified on the contract, unless prior approval is given by management. Bushels not delivered by the contract date may be subject to a fee equivalent to any losses incurred on that contract by ALCIVIA. This is subject to market conditions.
  • ALCIVIA reserves the right to not buy cash grain outside of trading hours.
  • Basis only contracts must be priced on or before 2 days prior to first notice day of the futures month.
  • Futures only contracts must have basis priced prior to delivery.
  • All contracts are subject to the rules of the National Grain & Feed Association.
  • Futures Only Contract Fees:
    Hedge-to-Arrive (HTA)
  • ALCIVIA only allows HTA contracts in 5,000-bushel lots for corn and wheat and 5,000- or 1,000-bushel lots for soybeans.

  • Contracts may not be rolled across crop years.


  • Please provide accurate information to the scale operator concerning owner, split percentages, and disposition.
  • Delivered grain will be applied to oldest contract for the delivery month, starting with cash contracts, then basis contracts, followed by futures only contracts. If all contracts are filled, storage fees will start on date of delivery, unless grain is priced within the 7-day grace period.
  • Direct ship grain to processors is subject to processors scale of discount and is excluded from ALCIVIA patronage.
  • No early delivery of contracted grain is allowed without prior approval. If grain is delivered early, payment will be made at the originally contracted time.
  • Any load that has treated grain either in the probed sample or found at the dump pit will be rejected.
  • Loads with obvious grade differences that are observed at unloading are subject to re-inspection and possible rejection.


  • Destination tickets must be provided for settlement of Direct Ship loads.
  • Grain checks will be issued on Mondays and Thursdays. Requests for payment must be made by noon on the business day prior to checks being issued.
  • Deferred payment must be requested by December 15. Deferred payments will be issued within 3 business days following the new year.

Warehouse Storage

  • Storage rate for corn, 5 cents per bushel per month or 0.001644 cents per day.
  • Storage rate for beans, 5.5 cents per bushel per month or 0.001808 cents per day.
  • Storage rate for wheat, 5 cents per bushel per month or 0.001644 cents per day.
  • Storage will start on the date of delivery unless it is priced within the 7 day grace period. The grace period allows 7 days after delivery of last load or between loads, before grain is committed to storage.
  • Moisture and discount charges will be billed when loads are transferred to storage.
  • Storage will be billed monthly. Grain withdrawn before month end will have the pro-rated storage deducted from the settlement.
  • Grain loaded out will be subject to regular discounts, storage charges, and a loadout charge of 25 cents per bushel.
  • There are NO minimum storage charges.

Delayed Price

  • Delayed price contract service fees will be determined at time of contract and are subject to change.
  • Ownership of the grain is transferred to ALCIVIA at the time of contract.

Grain Bank

  • Grain Bank storage rate for corn, 5 cents per bushel per month or 0.001644 cents per day.
  • Grain Bank storage will start on the date of delivery unless it is priced within the 7 day grace period. The grace period allows 7 days after delivery of last load or between loads, before grain is committed to storage.
  • Discounts will be billed when loads are transferred to Grain Bank.
  • Grain Bank storage will be accrued on grain sold and deducted from the sale.
  • Grain Bank storage will be billed on grain withdrawn before month-end at the time of withdrawal.
  • Grain Bank storage will be billed monthly.
  • Grain not processed for feed and loaded out will be subject to regular storage charges and a loadout charge of 25 cents per bushel.